The month of November welcomes the winter season but it doesn’t mean to turn you cold towards yourself or those whom you love, your closed ones! The theme of the month resonates with the thought and we want you to choose happiness for you and for all.
On that note, we take immense pleasure in featuring the bestselling author of the month, Savi Sharma on the cover of Storizen Magazine. Be ready to Dive into life's tapestry: A Journey through Stories & Self-discovery with her latest book, The Happiness Story! Check out the exclusive cover story on page 6 inside!
With all the love for reading, we are back with some amazing book recs for you to delve deeper into the reading world. Pick some of your favorite books and let us know your thoughts on them.
Keeping the world of literature alive and with The Booker Prize winner to be announced in just six days, check out the book reviews including some of The Booker Prize shortlisted titles inside.
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